World Building: Discourse in the Mind

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Title: World Building
Subtitle: Discourse in the Mind
Series Title: Advances in Stylistics

Publication Year: 2016
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing (formerly The Continuum International Publishing Group)

Book URL:

Editor: Joanna Gavins
Editor: Ernestine Lahey

Electronic: ISBN:  9781472586544 Pages: 288 Price: U.K. £ 74.99 Comment: ePDF
Electronic: ISBN:  9781472586551 Pages: 288 Price: U.K. £ 74.99 Comment: ePUB
Hardback: ISBN:  9781472586537 Pages: 312 Price: U.K. £ 75.00


World Building represents the state-of-the-discipline in worlds-based
approaches to discourse, collected together for the first time. Over the last
forty years the ‘text-as-world’ metaphor has become one of the most prevalent
and productive means of describing the experiencing of producing and receiving
discourse. This has been the case in a range of disciplines, including
stylistics, cognitive poetics, narratology, discourse analysis and literary

The metaphor has enabled analysts to formulate a variety of frameworks for
describing and examining the textual and conceptual mechanics involved in
human communication, articulating these variously through such concepts as
‘possible worlds’, ‘text-worlds’ and ‘storyworlds’. Each of these key
approaches shares an understanding of discourse as a logically grounded,
cognitively and pragmatically complex phenomenon. Discourse in this sense is
capable of producing highly immersive and emotionally affecting conceptual
spaces in the minds of discourse participants.

The chapters examine how best to document and analyze this and this is an
essential collection for stylisticians, linguists and narrative theorists.

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